Saturday, March 30, 2013

QT Learning

It was interesting to read that one of the expansion of QT is cute.

The class diagram of QT will be very useful. Searched in Google and found one. But it is for the version 4.3.

Because of enormous size, the class diagrams are not available for new versions (at least I was not able to find). Even if it is available, it will be very difficult to use or make sense out of it. One easy approach I started following is to make simple class diagrams from "Inheritance Hierarchy" (Available in QT documentation) for the QT classes useful for my project. That way I will get understandable and useful small class diagrams avoiding unused classes. These class diagrams can be a part of development documentation and helps to decide best way to inherit QT classes in our project.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pair programming

I liked it.

"Pair programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in. The two programmers switch roles frequently. "

I liked the concept but I am not sure it always help. I would prefer programming as small groups with 3 to 5 members. With good version control system and at least one expert in each team it will be very effective. Dividing the tasks for each in a quick group discussion will help to avoid duplication of work and improve knowledge of everyone.

I further read something interesting about pair programming by Joel in

"  Lo and behold, I discovered that very few of the bugs in there would have been discovered with pair programming or test driven development."